*Note to user from elsewhere of Twitch, this is a game of Bingo to play while watching the Twitch stream of helloitskolo.

I was charmed by the idea of millstonebarn and his Google Sheet, and wanted to help.

To play, watch the stream and when one of the thing on your board happen, you check it. When you have a line, the Kolo Bingo button will highlight and then you'll be able to call Bingo! When a Kolo-Bingo is claimed everybody reset. Click on Reset to scramble back the words and reset the win image.

The text of winning with the words you have will appear just below the app to copy/paste to the chat.

The resolution on mobile is not supported by default, but you can force the desktop site in the option of your mobile browser to view it correctly (Here's how). The resolution was build with 960x600 in mind, but should somewhat work with others. 

Last thing, this was made mainly to go with the Elite Dangerous stream, but seems somewhat to work with Subnautica, I don't know enough of this one to know what to add/remove, I'll need help with that :) Thanks!

If you have suggestion and/or bug, you can comment bellow (only with an account (free)), post in the Discord channel or tell me in the chat if I'm there :).

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